eurasia auditions on tour in senegal
The Worldwide Selections Back To Senegal! OPEN CALL for contemporary and urban dancers.
-DAKAR- Centre Culturel de Dakar Blaise Senghor, MGXX+757, Dakar, Senegal
— from July 4th till July 8th, every day from 2pm till 6pm
Contact: +221 77 680 49 79
Please note: Participants must be available to attend all five days of the workshop.
– KAOLACK – Centre Culturel Régional de Kaolack
— July 9th from 4pm till 7pm and July 10th from 11am till 3pm
Contact: +221 77 680 49 79
Please note: Participants must be available to attend both days of the workshop.
AGE LIMITS: from 17 to 29 years old for being selected, from 15 till 40 years old for only participating at the workshop.
The EurAsia Auditions On Tour in Senegal are brought by EurAsia Dance Project International Network, directed by Stefano Fardelli, in partnership with the EurAsia Partner M´Bosse Danse Company of Kaolack.
The EurAsia Auditions On Tour in Senegal are supported by the Italian Embassy and by the Italian Cultural Institute of Dakar, Senegal.
Stefano Fardelli will select aspiring Contemporary and Urban dance students for a professional program, with internationally recognized diploma, at DanceHaus Accademia Susanna Beltrami (Italy), Contemporary Dance School Hamburg (Germany), DanceHaus Hip Hop Department Academy (Italy), Tanzakademie Balance1 (Germany), Europe.
All the audition winners will be awarded with a 25% – 50% – 80% – 100% EurAsia Scholarship for all the three years professional training becoming part of the Network as EurAsia Students first and as professional Dancers after getting their diploma.