Countries where EurAsia has Been active:
Tanzakademie Balance1 of Berlin, Germany, directed by Miriam K. Drechsler, is a new EurAsia Partner from 2021.
IODC – Choreography Online, Canada, represented by the Artistic Director Rick Tjia, is a new EurAsia Partner from 2021.
Meshground from Colombo, Sri Lanka is a new EurAsia Partner from 2024.
Bangladesh Nritto Rong Ltd of Dhaka, directed by Abed Islam Tipu, is a EurAsia Partner from 2021.
Hadisi Urban Festival, Congo, Africa represented by Cruzz Taylor, is a EurAsia Partner from 2024.
Gdansk Solo Dance Contest of Gdansk, in Poland, here represented by Maria Miotk, is an EurAsia Partner since 2018.
Shoonya Dance Centre of Gent in Belgium, directed by Swapnil Dagliya and Wim Boussery, is a new EurAsia Partner from 2019.
CDSH, Contemporary Dance School Hamburg, in Germany, directed by Raul Valdez, is a EurAsia Partner since 2017.
Himalayan International Cultural Association of Kathmandu, Nepal, directed by Nirmal Shrestha, is a new Eurasia Partner from 2020.
KCC – Kolkata Centre For Creativity, India, represented by the Artistic Director Reena Dewan, is a new EurAsia Partner from 2021.
Studio Wayne McGregor of London, UK, directed by Wayne McGregor and here represented by Odette Hughes, is a EurAsia Partner from 2019.
DanceHaus of Milan in Italy, directed by Susanna Beltrami, is the first EurAsia Partner since 2016.
Accademia Susanna Beltrami of Milan, Italy, directed by Susanna Beltrami, is the first EurAsia Partner from 2016.
DanceHaus Hip Hop Department of Milan in Italy, directed by Susanna Beltrami, is a new EurAsia Partner from 2019.
DANCEHAUSpiú, National Choreographic Center of Milan, Italy, co-directed by Susanna Beltrami, Matteo Bittante, Annamaria Onetti, is a new EurAsia Partner from 2019.
MilanOltre Festival of Milan, Italy, directed by Rino De Pace, is a EurAsia Partner from 2020.
La Sfera Danza – International Dance Festival of Padova is a partner from 2023 represented by Marisa Galuppo and Gabriella Furlan Malvezzi.
FDR Formal Dance Research of San Luis in Mexico, directed by Fernando Dominguez, is an EurAsia Partner from 2020.